...so I made some! ah spam, the poor man's meat. But considered a gourmet delicacy in Japan! 'Tis where I learnt of the fantastic wonders of teriyaki glaze from my tabedachi, who has taught me so many things and shared in many cooking adventures. It was there, in the dorms of the skinny mushroom that I first encountered the Spam Musubi. Imagine giant nigiri sushi. Although if you know what nigiri sushi is there's a good chance you already know what musubi is...oh well! Teriyaki sauce is so simple! Sugar, water and a good Japanese soy sauce (I used thai soy sauce once and it didn't taste quite right, not bad though) in equal portions. The amount of sugar looks a bit scary when you first put it in but it really is the catalyst for the teriyaki flavour. Plate licking finger sucking goodness. Pour it over your fried slices of spam and cook it into the meat until the liquid has slightly reduced and starts to coat the spam with a nice glaze. Mould some rice into a block using a mould or your hands, lay the spam on top then wrap the whole thing in seaweed and presto! The magical mystical musubi of spam is born! Great for a snack or a really satisfying meal if you have a few. Excellent picnic food as they are pretty sturdy and compact and can last for a while in you bag as long as you don't sit on them.
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