Below: Sticky Lemon Chicken
Below: Iced Lemon Cake

So my koibito realised that we forgot our anniversary four days after the fact. Hmm, well just goes to show we havent changed over the years. He is the one obsessed with Gordon Ramsey and sends me off to youtube to watch videos of him in all his glory. Was pointed in the direction of a sticky lemon chicken recipe after telling of my half cooked drumstick problem so I thought I'd give it a go. Only vaguely followed the chef's recipe as I was just working with whatever was within grabbing distance in the kitchen. Oh wait, but I did buy lemons. Walking is always good for building up an appetite (not that I've ever had a problem doing that :D) Needed to clear out freezer so I just used all (or so I thought) the drumsticks I had. After defrosting them, I put them in a hot pan with a lil sesame oil (the only kind I have left) to brown them a bit while I was juicing the lemons. I used two, which I think was overkill. One is plenty, I just felt greedy. Drizzled in some soy sauce, then juice, then water and let it all cook up. When the liquid was reduced and starting to coat the meat I squeezed honey generously over each of the drumsticks (Squeezy Honey: THE BEST INVENTION EVER!) and let everything get to know each other a lil better before taking it off the heat and letting them cool down. The sauce got a lot stickier after I let it stand for a bit so I twirled the sticks to give them an extra glossy coat. Piled them on a bed of rocket salad (the plant kind, not the spaceship...) and sat down to watch The Dark Crystal. Very good, probably should have put a lil more effort into seasoning but it was surprisingly tasty just as it was. I think I would add some ginger and black pepper and maybe some garlic and herby stuffs. Highly recommended recipe for people looking for an easy, tasty chicken dish.
I guess I was feeling in a very lemony mood that day because I also bought an iced lemon cake. Very moist yet crumbly. Or maybe it was jsut for me cuz I was digging at it with my fingers. But in any case very pleasant, so thank you Waitrose! I like lemon! You will come to understand that I am easily influenced by things, so it wasn't surprising that I did that after watching Mama Beagle in Duck Tales make all those iced cakes with crowbars and chainsaws and Mr. Ramsey slice up those juicy looking lemons. Now I want sticky lemon chicken...and cake ...I don't even like cake, but I love lemons...and my darling sweetiepie for telling me about drumstick magic.
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