I like cheese. I like hamburger (Japanese style at least). Combine the two and happiness ensues! I think I had scotch eggs in mind as well as stuffing and cheeseburgers. So I thought I should try stuffing stuffing with cheese, a classic stuffer (of both people and other foods). My basic hamburger recipe includes ground beef, slice of bread, an egg, garlic, onion, pepper, tomato paste (A BIT! not a whole can like my koibito. he tries. a lot), soy sauce and some mixed herbs or something. Occasionally I want them a little spicy so I finely chop a fresh chilli or sprinkle some curry powder into the mix. Combine well (hands work best!) and shape into patties. To stuff them I formed a small handful into a half sphere with an indent and placed the cheese in the middle of it, then plonked a bit more meat mix on top and rounded it off and shaped it as normal. I fried these and finished them with the teriyaki sauce used in spam musubi and placed them on a bed of rice with some cooked spinach on the side. Cheap and easy, like Nancy. I don't think the cheese I used was strong enough so the cheesy flavour was a tad on the mild side. But it was a good meal. Filling. I suppose you can use it the patty in a hamburger but I love my rice ;) hashidetabechatta! gochisou!